Thompson CM, Bichteler A, Rager JE, Suh M , Proctor DM, Haws LC, Harris MA. 2016. Comparison of in vivo genotoxic and carcinogenic potency to augment mode of action analysis: Case study with hexavalent chromium. Mut Res/Genet Toxicol Environ Mutagen 800-801(April):28-34; doi: 10.1016/j.mrgentox.2016.01.008 .
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Publication: Manuscripts
/ Topics: Cr(VI) MOA Study , Hexavalent Chromium
Garabrant DH, Alexander DD, Miller PE, Fryzek JP, Boffetta P, Teta MJ, Hessel PA, Craven VA, Kelsh MA , Goodman M. 2016. Response to Kay Teschke. Re: Mesothelioma among motor vehicle mechanics: An updated review and meta-analysis. Ann Occup Hyg 60(8):1036-1037; doi: 10.1093/annhyg/mew038 .
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Publication: Manuscripts
/ Topics: Cancer , Epidemiology
Alexander DD, Yan J, Bylsma LC , Northington RS, Grathwohl D, Steenhout P, Erdmann P, Spivey-Krobath E, Haschke F. 2016. Growth of infants consuming whey-predominant term infant formulas with a protein content of 1.8 g/100 kcal: A multicenter pooled analysis of individual participant data. Am J Clin Nutr 104(4):1083-1092.
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Publication: Manuscripts
/ Topics: Epidemiology , nutrition
Pastula S , Hackett J, Coalson J, Jiang X , Villafana T, Fryzek J. Burden of respiratory syncytial virus disease among adults in the United States from 1997 to 2012. Presented at ID Week 2016, New Orleans, LA, October 2016.
Publication: Abstracts and Presentations
/ Topics: Epidemiology
Pastula S , Hackett J, Coalson J, Jiang X , Villafana T, Fryzek J. Burden of respiratory syncytial virus disease among adults in the United States from 1997 to 2012. Presented at the International Society for Influenza and Other Respiratory Virus Diseases (ISIRV) 2016 – Options IX For the Control of Influenza, Chicago, IL, August 2016.
Publication: Abstracts and Presentations
/ Topics: Epidemiology
Cetin K, Callaghan F, Fryzek J, Bylsma L , Bezold C, Mehta B. Safety and efficacy/effectiveness of 2nd-line treatments in Immune Thrombocytopenia (ITP): A systematic review of the literature. Presented at the 32nd International Conference on Pharmacoepidemiology & Therapeutic Risk Management, Dublin, Ireland, August 2016.
Publication: Abstracts and Presentations
/ Topics: Epidemiology , Meta-Analysis and Reviews , Pharmaceutics and Medical Devices
Meddings J, Reichert H , Green MT, Safdar N, Krein SL, Olmsted RN, Watson SR, Edson B, Lesher M, Saint S. 2016. Evaluation of the association between catheter‐associated infections and measures of safety culture: Results of two national collaboratives. BMJ Quality and Online Safety First , DOI: 10.1136/bmjqs-2015-005012.
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Publication: Manuscripts
/ Topics: Epidemiology
Lowe KA, Danese MD, Gleeson ML, Langeberg WJ, Kelsh MA . 2016. Racial and ethnic variability in the prevalence and incidence of comorbidities associated with gastric cancer in the United States. J Gastrointest Cancer 47(2):168–181; doi: 10.1007/s12029-016-9809-5 .
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Publication: Manuscripts
/ Topics: Cancer , Epidemiology
Hummel HD, Topp MS, Chang ET, Chia VM, Kelsh MA , Doemland ML, et al. 2016. Adverse events in adults with relapsed or refractory acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL): A literature review of recent clinical trials. J Leuk 4:1
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Publication: Manuscripts
/ Topics: Cancer , Epidemiology
Erichsen R, Kelsh MA , Oliner KS, Nielsen KB, Frøslev T, Lænkholm AV, et al. 2016. Prognostic impact of tumor MET expression among patients with stage IV gastric cancer: A Danish cohort study. Annals of Epidemiol 26(7):500–503.
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