Publications : 2023

Taylor RS, Lad SP, White JL, Stauss TG, Healey BE, Sacks NC, McLin R, Patil S, Jaasma MJ, Caraway DL Petersen EA. 2023. Health care resource utilization and costs in patients with painful diabetic neuropathy treated with 10 kHz spinal cord stimulation therapy. J Manag Care Spec Pharm 29(9):1021-1029; doi: 10.18553/jmcp.2023.29.9.1021. PMID: 37610114.


BACKGROUND: Diabetic peripheral neuropathy, a common comorbidity of diabetes, is a neurodegenerative disorder that targets sensory, autonomic, and motor nerves frequently associated with painful diabetic neuropathy (PDN). PDN carries an economic burden as the result of reduced work and productivity. A recent multicenter randomized controlled trial, SENZA-PDN (NCT03228420), assessed the impact of high-frequency (10 kHz) spinal cord stimulation (SCS) on pain relief. The effects of high-frequency SCS on health care resource utilization and medical costs are not known.

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effect of high-frequency (10 kHz) SCS on health care resource utilization (HRU) and medical costs in patients with PDN using data from the SENZA-PDN trial.

METHODS: Participants with PDN were randomly assigned 1:1 to receive either 10 kHz SCS plus conventional medical management (CMM) (SCS treatment group) or CMM alone (CMM treatment group). Patient outcomes and HRU up to the 6-month follow-up are reported here. Costs (2020 USD) for each service was estimated based on publicly available Medicare fee schedules, Medicare claims data, and literature. HRU metrics of inpatient and outpatient contacts and costs are reported as means and SDs. Univariate and bivariate analyses were used to compare SCS and CMM treatment groups at 6 months.

RESULTS: At 6-month follow up, the SCS arm experienced approximately half the mean rate of hospitalizations per patient compared with the CMM treatment group (0.08 vs 0.15; P = 0.066). The CMM treatment group’s total health care costs per patient were approximately 51% higher compared with the SCS treatment group (equivalent to mean annual cost per patient of $9,532 vs $6,300).

CONCLUSIONS: Our analysis of the SENZA-PDN trial indicates that the addition of 10 kHz SCS therapy results in lower rates of hospitalization and consequently lower health care costs among patients with PDN compared with those receiving conventional management alone.