Bullano M, Cool C, Schultz BG, Durgapal S, Sacks N, Liu Y, Kee R, Batt K. 2023. Evaluating the financial impact of utilizing recombinant porcine factor VIII or recombinant FVIIa for patients with acquired hemophilia A. Expert Rev Phamacoecon Outcome Res 23(2):225-230; doi: 10.1080/14737167.2023.2160705. PMID: 36537696.
To evaluate the financial impact of utilizing rpFVIII or rFVIIa during a hospital admission for the diagnosis of acquired hemophilia A (AHA) by reviewing the margin between the cost to the hospital for providing care and the amount the hospital is reimbursed by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) in the US.
Data source was the Medicare Limited Data Set, which contains claims for hospitalizations, charges, and amounts reimbursed by CMS. Study patients were hospitalized with AHA and treated with rpFVIII and/or rFVIIa between 1/1/2015 and 12/31/2019. CMS Fiscal Year 2020 Impact Files, with hospital-level cost-to-charge ratios (CCRs), were used to estimate hospital costs. Sensitivity analyses were conducted to estimate margins at different CCRs.
Hospital margins were, on average, positive with use of either rpFVIII or rFVIIa (rpFVIII: $51,548.89; rFVIIa: $35,943.80). Sensitivity analysis results suggest that the use of rpFVIII is similiar, compared with rFVIIa for a large majority of hospitals.
While there may be higher reimbursement for rpFVIII hospitalizations, this analysis suggests that the use of rpFVIII, compared to rFVIIa, may have no impact on hospital finances for the majority of hospitals, despite rpFVIII’s higher per unit cost.