Manemann SM, Cohen SS, Reading SF, Noshad S, Movva N , Weston SA, Killian JM, Chamberlain AM. Change in low-density lipoprotein cholesterol and risk of subsequent cardiovascular events among patients with myocardial infarction. Poster presentation to AHA EPI | Lifestyle Scientific Session (American Heart Association), Chicago, IL, March 2022.
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Topics: Epidemiology
Frankenfeld CL . Biostatistical approaches in gut microbiome research. Presentation for American Society of Nutrition-Institute for the Advancement of Food and Nutrition Science Collaborative Session “Sample Collection, Preservation, and Data Analysis in Gut Microbiome Research: Current Methods and Potential Impact on Results,” October 13, 2022.
Topics: Epidemiology
Khoshal B, Karon S, Rossheim ME, Cheskin LJ, Trangenstein PJ, Frankenfeld CL , Ramezani N, Cuellar AE. Substance use and firearm access among college freshmen. Poster presented to Society for Epidemiologic Research, 2022.
Topics: Epidemiology
Frankenfeld CL , Cleaveland C. Food insufficiency and difficulty with expenses strongly associated with adverse mental health, regardless of poverty status and location, among Latinos in the United States during the COVID-19 pandemic. Poster presented to Society for Epidemiologic Research, 2022.
Topics: Epidemiology
Frankenfeld CL , Cleaveland C. Among working and not working Latinos in the United States, food insufficiency and difficulty with expenses associated with adverse mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic. Poster presented to Society for Epidemiologic Research, 2022 (poster session award winner).
Topics: Epidemiology
Slavin M, Frankenfeld C , Seng E. Use of acid reducers and odds of migraine in the National Health and Nutrition Examination. Poster presented to American Headache Society, 2022.
Topics: Epidemiology
Movva N , Suh M , Jiang X , Reichert H , Bylsma L , Rizzo CP, White M, Fryzek J, Nelson CB. Medicaid infants have the highest respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) hospitalization burden and rates among United States (US) infants aged <1 year: An analysis of the 2011–2018 National (Nationwide) Inpatient Sample (NIS). Presentation to AAP Experience, National Conference & Exhibition (American Academy of Pediatrics), Philadelphia, PA, October 2021.
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Topics: Epidemiology
Hooda N , Svane HML, Fryzek J, Nicoholson G, White JB, Edris B, Smith LM, Petersen MM, Baad-Hansen T, Keller JØ, Jørgensen PH, Pedersen AB. 2021. The epidemiology of desmoid tumors in Denmark. Poster presented at the Connective Tissue Oncology Society Annual Meeting, November 2021.
Topics: Epidemiology
Dougherty C., Friedman BW, Aurora S, Bariahtaris S, Shrewsbury S, Baker-Wagner M, Sacks N , Kautz S, Cyr P . Impact of INP104 on healthcare resource use among patients in STOP 301. Presentation at American Academy of Neurology Annual Meeting, Virtual, April 2021.
Topics: Health Economics and Outcomes Research (HEOR)
Dougherty C., Friedman BW, Aurora S, Bariahtaris S, Shrewsbury S, Baker-Wagner M, Sacks N , Kautz S, Cyr P. INP104 reduces self-reported ED and urgent care in patients with episodic migraine. Presentation at Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy (AMCP) annual meeting [held virtually], April 2021.
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