Wallace TC, Frankenfeld CL . Multivitamins and nutritional adequacy in middle-aged to older Americans by obesity status. Poster presentation to Federation of European Nutrition Societies, 2019.
Topics: Epidemiology
Mavunda K, Jiang X , Ambrose C. The prevalence of diagnosed chronic lung disease in US infants by gestational age: Implications for RSV policy. Celebration of Pediatric Pulmonology and Sleep, Orlando, FL, February 15–17, 2019.
Topics: Epidemiology
Lowe K, Bylsma LC , Levin-Sparenberg ED, Sangaré L, Fryzek J, Alexander DD. Prevalence of KRAS, NRAS, and BRAF gene mutations in metastatic colorectal cancer patients: A systematic literature review and meta-analysis. Poster presentation at Gastrointestinal Cancers Symposium, San Francisco, California, January 17-19, 2019.
Topics: Meta-Analysis and Reviews
Lowe K, Bylsma LC , Dean R, Gillezeau C, Sangaré L, Alexander DD, Fryzek J. The incidence of infusion reactions associated with monoclonal antibody drugs targeting the epidermal growth factor receptor in metastatic colorectal cancer patients: A systematic literature review and meta-analysis. Poster presentation at Gastrointestinal Cancers Symposium, San Francisco, California, January 2019.
Topics: Meta-Analysis and Reviews
Ambrose C, Jiang X , Mavunda K. The prevalence of diagnosed chronic lung disease in US infants by gestational age: Implications for RSV policy. ID Week, San Francisco, California, October 4, 2018.
Topics: Epidemiology
Fryzek JP, Bylsma LC , Nordyke RJ, Sorensen HT. Rare disease epidemiology: A Danish population-based program. Poster presented at National Organization for Rare Disorders’ Rare Disease and Orphan Products Breakthrough Summit, Washington, D.C., October 2018.
Topics: Epidemiology
Bylsma LC , Gulbech Ording A, Froslev T, Mehnert F, Fryzek J, Morales Arias J, Roth A, Sorensen HT, Berentsen S. Occurrence, survival, and thromboembolic risk in cold agglutinin disease: a population-based cohort analysis. Presented at the 23rd Congress of the European Hematology Association, June 14-17 2018, Stockholm, Sweden.
Topics: Epidemiology , Rare Diseases
Bylsma LC , Gulbech Ording A, Froslev T, Mehnert F, Fryzek JP, Morales Arias J, Roth A, Sorensen HT, Berentsen S. Occurrence, survival, and thromboembolic risk in cold agglutinin disease: a population-based cohort analysis. Presented at the 23rd Congress of the European Hematology Association, June 14-17 2018, Stockholm, Sweden.
Topics: Epidemiology , Pharmaceutics and Medical Devices
Hooda N , McFarlane T, Pasetka M, DeAngelis C. 2018. Investigating guideline-consistent anti-emetic prescribing practices at the Odette Cancer Centre (OCC). Poster for oral presentation seminar, “Meet the Future Leaders in Research,” at the Ontario Pharmacist Conference, Huntsville, ON, June 2018.
Topics: Epidemiology
Czerkies L, Kineman B, Cohen S, Reichert H , Carvalho R. A pooled analysis of growth and tolerance of infants exclusively fed a partially hydrolyzed whey or intact protein-based infant formulas. Presented at the 5th International Conference on Nutrition and Growth, March 1-3, 2018, Paris, France.
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