Wallace TC, Frankenfeld CL. Multivitamin use is associated with increased micronutrient intake and biomarkers and decreased prevalence of inadequacies in middle-aged and older adults. Virtual presentation to Nutrition 2020.

Lindley LL, Fleming LC, Frankenfeld CL. HIV sexual risk factors among US women who engaged in heterosexual contact in the past year: Differences in risk by sexual identity and sexual orientation discordance. Virtual presentation to STD Prevention, 2020.

Patel P, Jiang X, Nicholson G, Frankenfeld C, Iglesias-Rodriguez, Fryzek J, Su J. Medically attended anxiety or depression is increased among newly diagnosed patients with cold agglutinin disease (CAD). Virtual presentation to American Society of Hematology, 2020.

Patel P, Jiang X, Nicholson G, Frankenfeld C, Iglesias-Rodriguez, Fryzek J, Su J. Medically attended anxiety or depression is increased among newly diagnosed patients with cold agglutinin disease (CAD). Virtual presentation to American Society of Hematology, 2020.

Cekola P, Henrickson A, Cohen SS, Reichert H, Ararujo Torres K, Hulsey A. Growth and tolerance with an amino acid formula at a children’s center: A two-year retrospective review. Poster presented to North American Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (NASPGHAN), November 2020.


Cekola P, Henrikson A, Reichert H, Cohen S, Huhmann M, Torres KA. Clinical use and safety of an amino acid-based infant formula in a real world setting. Poster at NASPGHAN, Chicago, IL, October 2019.

Hooda N, Quinn E, DeAngelis C, Pasetka M, McFarlane T. 2019. Delayed CINV in FOLFOX chemotherapy: A retrospective chart review comparing two Ontario hospitals. Poster presented at the Canadian Association for Pharmacy in Oncology Annual Conference, Halifax, NS, April 2019.

Hooda N, McFarlane T, Pasetka M, DeAngelis C. Chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting (CINV) in colorectal cancer (CRC) patients undergoing FOLFOX Chemotherapy: A retrospective chart review comparing two Ontario hospitals. Abstract accepted for publication in J Pharmacy Pharmaceut Sci. Poster presented at the Canadian Society for Pharmaceutical Sciences Annual Conference, Vancouver, BC, May 2019.

Hooda N, Quinn E, DeAngelis C, Pasetka M, McFarlane T. 2019. Delayed CINV in FOLFOX chemotherapy: A retrospective chart review comparing two Ontario hospitals. J Oncol Pharmacy Prac 25(5):abstract 22; doi: 10.1177/1078155219834495.

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Fergie J, Gonzales T, Jiang X, Fryzek J, Rizzo CP. Respiratory syncitial virus hospitalizations (RSVH) and all-cause bronchiolitis hospitalizations (BH) among 29-34 weeks gestational age (wGA) preterm infants before and after the 2014 American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) immunoprophylaxis policy change using the Children’s Hospital Association’s Pediatric Health Information System (PHIS). Poster presentation at IDWeek, Washington, DC, October 2019.

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