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Habib A, Sacks NC, Cool C, Durgapal S, Hughes T, Hernandez J, Phillips G. Trends in hospital admissions and readmissions for patients with MG from U.S. national research databases. Poster presentation, American Association of Neuromuscular and Electrodiagnostic Medicine (AANEM) annual meeting, September 2022.

Sacks NC. Healthcare resource utilization in non-cystic fibrosis bronchiectasis (NCFB) patients with commercial insurance coverage in the US. Poster presentation, International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR)Europe, November 2022.

Bonkowsky J, Healey B, Sacks NC, Mclin R, Cyr PL, Sawyer E, Stephen CB, et al. Burden of illness and mortality in adult men with adrenomyeloneuropathy: A retrospective study of real-world data. American Academy of Neurology, Seattle, WA, 2022

Jensen IS, Wu E, Cyr PL, Claussen M, Winkler T, Salahuddin K, Prats J, et al. 2022. Cost-consequence analysis of using cangrelor in high angiographic risk percutaneous coronary intervention patients: A US hospital perspective. Am J Cardiovasc Drugs 22(1):93-104; doi: 10.1007/s40256-021-00491-9.

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Alexander AW, Jensen IJ, Hathaway J, Srivastava K, Cyr PL, Sidonio RF, Batt K. 2022. Bleeding in patients with hemophilia who have inhibitors: Modeling US medical system utilization and cost avoidance between recombinant factor VIIa products with different clinical dosing requirements. J Manag Care Spec Pharm 28(5):518-527; doi: 10.18553/jmcp.2022.21197.

Sacks NC, Healey BE, Raza S, Cyr PL, Boerner G, Sheshadri A. 2022. The economic burden of NIPC and BOS following allogeneic HSCT in patients with commercial insurance in the United States. Blood Adv 6(5):1566–1576.

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Sheshadri A, Sacks NC, Healey B, Cyr P, Boerner G, Huang HJ. 2022. The healthcare resource utilization and costs of chronic lung allograft dysfunction following lung transplantation in patients with commercial insurance in the United States. J Med Econ 25(1):650–659.

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Sheshadri A, Sacks NC, Healey BE, Raza S, Boerner G, Huang HJ. 2022. Lung function monitoring after lung transplantation and allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Clin Ther 44(5):755–765.

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Sacks NC, Healey BE, Raza S, Cyr PL, Boerner G, Sheshadri A. 2022. The economic burden of NIPC and BOS following allogeneic HSCT in patients with commercial insurance in the United States. Blood Adv 6(5):1566–1576; doi: 10.1182/bloodadvances.2021004364.

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Sheshadri A, Sacks NC, Healey B, Cyr P, Boerner G, Huang HJ. 2022. The healthcare resource utilization and costs of chronic lung allograft dysfunction following lung transplantation in patients with commercial insurance in the United States. J Med Econ 25(1):650–659; doi: 10.1080/13696998.2022.2071065.

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