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Hong B, Garabrant D, Chen Q, Chang C-W, Jiang X, Hedgeman E, Gillespie B, Lepkowski J, Franzblau A. Variable selection methods influence the identification of factors that predict serum dioxin concentrations in Michigan, USA, ISEE-ISEA Joint Annual Conference, Pasadena, CA. October 2008.

Jolliet O, Wenger Y, Adriaens P, Chang C-W, Chen Q, Franzblau A, Gillespie BW, Hedgeman E, Hong B, Jiang X, Knutson K, Lepkowski J, Milbrath MO, Reichert H, Towey T, Garabrant D. Explaining age dependency using pharmacokinetic modeling in the analysis of blood TCDD concentrations. Dioxin 2008 Conference, Birmingham, England. August 1, 2008.

Garabrant DH, Hong B, Chen Q, Chang C-W, Jiang X, Franzblau A, Lepkowski J, Adriaens P, Demond A, Hedgeman E, Knutson K, Towey T, Gillespie BW. Factors that predict serum PCB concentrations in Michigan, USA. Dioxin 2008 Conference, Birmingham, England. August 1, 2008.

Knutson K, Hong B, Jiang X, Hedgeman E, Chen Q, Chang C-W, Towey T, Gillespie BW, Franzblau A, Lepkowski J, Adriaens P, Demond A, Garabrant DH. The relationship between dioxin concentrations in blood and breast feeding. Dioxin 2008 Conference. Birmingham, England. August 1, 2008.

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Garabrant D, Hong B, Chen Q, Chang C-W, Jiang X, Franzblau A, Lepkowski J, Adriaens P, Demond A, Hedgeman E, Knutson K, Towey T, Gillespie BW Predictors of serum PCDF concentrations in people from, Michigan, USA.Dioxin 2008 Conference, Birmingham, England, August 1, 2008. Organohalogen Compounds 70:2047–2050.

Gillespie BW, Reichert H, Chang C-W, Hedgeman E, Hong B, Chen Q, Jolliet O, Knutson K, et al., and University of Michigan Dioxin Exposure Study Team. Predictors of 7 dioxin congeners in background US populations: Data from two Michigan counties and the US National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. Dioxin 2008 Conference, Birmingham, England, August 2008.

Garabrant D, Hong B, Chen Q, Chang C-W, Jiang X, Franzblau A, Lepkowski J, Adriaens P, Demond A, Hedgeman E, Knutson K, Towey T, Gillespie BW. 2008. Predictors of serum PCB concentrations in people from Michigan, USA. Organohalogen Compounds 70:1236–1239.

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