Meddings J, Reichert H, McMahon L. Hospital report cards for hospital-acquired pressure ulcers: How good are the grades? Presented at the 2012 Academy Health Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, June 2012.

Meddings J, Reichert H, Rogers MAM, Iwashyna TJ, McMahon L. Hospitals reporting better adherence to perioperative blood clot prophylaxis do not report lower rates of hospital-acquired post-operative blood clots. Presented at the 2012 AcademyHealth Annual Meeting, June 24-26, 2012, Orlando, FL.

Meddings J, Reichert H, Rogers MAM, Iwashyna TJ, McMahon L. Hospitals reporting better adherence to perioperative blood clot prophylaxis do not report lower rates of hospital-acquired post-operative blood clots. Presented at the 2012 Society of General Internal Medicine Annual Meeting, May 9-12, 2012, Orlando, FL.

Meddings J, Reichert H, McMahon L. Hospital report cards for hospital-acquired pressure ulcers: How good are the grades? Presented at the 2012 Society of General Internal Medicine Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, May 2012.

Meddings J, Reichert H, Rogers MAM, Hofer TP, McMahon L. Adjusting for patients’ clinical risk of urinary tract infections: a necessary step in pay-for-performance when comparing by hospital-acquired complication rates. Presented at the 2012 Society of General Internal Medicine Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, May 2012.


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Kelsh MA, Shum MS, Sheppard AR, McNeeley M, Kuster N, Lau E, et al. 2011. Measured radiofrequency exposure in various mobile phone-use scenarios. J Exp Science Environ Epidemiol 21(4): 343–354.

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Lau EC, Mowat FS, Kelsh MA, Legg JC, Engel-Nitz NM, Watson HN, et al. 2011. Use of electronic medical records (EMR) for oncology outcomes research: Assessing the comparability of EMR information to patient registry and health claims data. Clin Epidemiol 3:259–272.

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Shum M, Kelsh MA, Sheppard AR, Zhao K. 2011. An evaluation of self-reported mobile phone use compared to billing records among a group of engineers and scientists. Bioelectromagnetics 32(1):37–48.

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Jiang X, Zwica L, Knutson K, Towey T, Hedgeman E, Franzblau A, Chen Q, Lee S-Y, Sima C, Gillespie BW, Adriaens P, Demond A, Lepkowski J, Ward B, Ladronka K, Olson K, Sinibaldi J, Chang S-C, Gwinn D, Swan S, Garabrant D. Measurements of household dust concentrations of PCDDs, PCDFs, and PCBs from a community in Michigan, USA. Presented at the 32nd International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants – Dioxin 2011, Brussels, Belgium, August 2011.