Lancet JE, Cyr PL , Sacks NC , Chiarella MT, Louie AC, Cortes JE. CPX-351 enables administration of consolidation treatment in the outpatient setting and increases the time spent out of the hospital after completion of AML treatment compared with 7+3. American Society of Hematology Annual Meeting, San Diego CA, 2015.
Publication: Abstracts and Presentations
Merrill RM, Frankenfeld CL , Mink M, Freeborne N (eds). 2015. Behavioral epidemiology: Principles and applications. Jones & Bartlett, ISBN: 9781449648275.
Publication: Book chapter
Alexander DD, Jiang X, Bylsma LC, Garabrant DH, Irvin SR, Fryzek JP. 2014. Historical cancer incidence and mortality assessment in an Illinois community proximal to a former manufactured gas plant. BMJ Open 4(12):e006713. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2014-006713.
View Abstract
Publication: Manuscripts
Meddings J, Saint S, Krein S, Gaies E, Reichert H , Hickner A, McNamara S, Mody L. Systematic review of interventions to reduce catheter-associated urinary tract infection in the long-term care setting. Presented at ID Week, Philadelphia, PA, October 2014.
Publication: Abstracts and Presentations
Reichert H , McMahon LF, Meddings J. Did hospital-acquired pressure ulcer rates decrease after implementation of non-payment as a comorbidity with the 2008 Hospital-Acquired Conditions Initiative? Presented at the Academy Health Annual Research Meeting, San Diego, CA, June 2014.
Publication: Abstracts and Presentations
Cohen SS, Sadoff MM, Jiang X, Fryzek JP, Garabrant DH. A review and meta-analysis of cancer risks in relation to Portland cement exposure. Occup Environ Med 71(11):796-802; doi: 10.1136/oemed-2014-102193 .
View Abstract
Publication: Manuscripts
Reichert H , McMahon LF, Meddings J. Risk-adjusting hospital-acquired pressure ulcer rates from administrative data: How do hospitals perform by the risk-adjusted AHRQ Patient Safety Indicator 3 compared to a proposed measure using risk-standardization applied by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services for other outcomes? Presented at the Academy Health Annual Research Meeting, San Diego, CA, June 2014.
Publication: Abstracts and Presentations
Meddings J, Reichert H, McMahon LF. 2014. Challenges and proposed improvements for reviewing symptoms and catheter use to identify National Healthcare Safety Network catheter-associated urinary tract infections. Am J Infect Cont 42(10):S236-S241.
View Abstract
Publication: Manuscripts
Reichert H , Welch K. Conceptualizing statistics: A heuristic approach. Presented at the University of Michigan’s Division of General Medicine Spring Retreat, Ann Arbor, MI, May 2014.
Publication: Abstracts and Presentations
Budelmann C, Reichert H , Meddings J. Are you ex-Foley-ating? A hospital-wide intervention to decrease urinary catheter use, including nurse-directed positive-reinforcement strategies. Presented at the Society of General Internal Medicine Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, April 2014.
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