Suh M , Mittal L, Hirsch S, Valdes R, Bartlett C, Rohr A, Proctor D. Lung cancer risk in chromate production workers exposed to hexavalent chromium. Presented at Society of Toxicology 54th Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, March, 2015 .
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Publication: Abstracts and Presentations
Proctor DM, Suh M , Mittal L, Hirsch S, Salgado RV, Bartlett C, Van Landingham C, Rohr A, Crump K. 2015. Inhalation cancer risk assessment of hexavalent chromium based on updated mortality for Painesville chromate production workers. J Expo Sci Environ Epidemiol 26(2):224-231; doi: 10.1038/jes.2015.77 .
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Publication: Manuscripts
Lancet JE, Cyr PL , Sacks NC , Chiarella MT, Louie AC, Cortes JE. CPX-351 enables administration of consolidation treatment in the outpatient setting and increases the time spent out of the hospital after completion of AML treatment compared with 7+3. American Society of Hematology Annual Meeting, San Diego CA, 2015.
Publication: Abstracts and Presentations
Cohen SS, Sadoff MM, Jiang X, Fryzek JP, Garabrant DH. A review and meta-analysis of cancer risks in relation to Portland cement exposure. Occup Environ Med 71(11):796-802; doi: 10.1136/oemed-2014-102193 .
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Publication: Manuscripts
Fryzek J, Garabrant DH, Pastula S , Jiang X . 2013. Response to Goldstein et al. J Occup Environ Med 55(11):1378; doi: 10.1097/JOM.0000000000000021 .
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Publication: Manuscripts
Fryzek J, Pastula S, Jiang X , Garabrant DH. 2013. Childhood cancer incidence in Pennsylvania counties in relation to living in counties with hydraulic fracturing sites. J Occup Environ Med 55(7):796-801.
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Publication: Manuscripts
Chia VM, O’Malley CD, Danese MD, Lindquist KJ, Gleeson ML, Kelsh MA , et al. 2013. Prevalence and incidence of comorbidities in elderly women with ovarian cancer. Gynecol Oncol 129(2):346–352; doi: 10.1016/j.ygyno.2013.02.014 .
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Publication: Manuscripts
Lowe KA, Chia VM, Taylor A, O’Malley C, Kelsh M , Mohamed M, et al. 2013. An international assessment of ovarian cancer incidence and mortality. Gynecol Oncol 130(1): 107–114.
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Publication: Manuscripts
Kanas GP, Taylor A, Primrose JN, Langeberg WJ, Kelsh MA , Mowat FS, et al. 2012. Survival after liver resection in metastatic colorectal cancer: review and meta-analysis of prognostic factors. Clin Epidemiol 4:283–301.
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Publication: Manuscripts
Alexander D, Weed D, Mink P, Mitchell M . 2012. A weight-of-evidence review of colorectal cancer in pesticide applicators: The agricultural health study and other epidemiologic studies. Int Arch Occup Environ Health 85(7):715–745.
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